
History of Medicine





     under construction


Museums of Medicine

National Museum of Health & Medicine

Mutter Museum


Physician's Prayer

Daily Physician's Prayer

From inability to let alone...............................................Good Lord, deliver us;

From too much zeal for the new....................................Good Lord, deliver us;

From too much contempt for what is old......................Good Lord, deliver us;

From putting knowledge before wisdom.......................Good Lord, deliver us;

From putting science before art.....................................Good Lord, deliver us;

From putting cleverness before common sense..........Good Lord, deliver us;

From treating patients as cases.....................................Good Lord, deliver us;

From making the cure of the disease more grievous 

than the endurance of the same.....................................Good Lord, deliver us.

Sir Robert Hutchison




Medical Model I * Organ Systems


Medical Model II * Basic & Clinical Sciences


Medical Model III * Specialties & SubSpecialties


Medical Model IV * Diagnosis & Treatment