
Psalm Notations

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06.03 Matins

Pss 77


Verse 36 
They flattered God with their mouths
And lied to Him with their tongues.

Verse 39
Et recordatus est quia caro sunt:
spiritus vadens, et non rediens.
And he remembered that they are flesh:
with a spirit that goes forth and does not return.

Psm 78

Pss 78

Verse 08 
Do not remember our iniquities of the past;
May Your mercies quickly intercept us,
For we have become exceedingly poor.

Verse 09 
Help us, O God, our Savior,
Because of the glory of Your Name!

Psm 79

Pss 80

Verse 8 
You called upon me in tribulation, and I freed you. I heard you within the hidden tempest.
I tested you with waters of contradiction.

Verse 10 
Open your mouth wide and I will fill it.

Psm 81

Pss 82

Verse 17 
Cover their faces with shame till they seek Your Name, Lord.

Psm 83

06.06 Lauds

Pss 98

Verse 09 
Exalt the Lord, our God, Holy is the Lord, our God.

Psm 99

Pss 142

Verse 02
Do not enter into judgment with Your servant
All the living will not be justified in Your sight.

Penitential Psalm 7

Psm 143

Pss 84

Verse 11 
Love and truth will meet; justice and peace will kiss.

Psm 85

Pss 147

Verse 20 
He has not done this for any other nation,
Of such laws they know nothing.

Psm 147

06.07 Prime

Pss 21

Verse 2

O God, my God, look upon me.

Why have you forsaken me?

Far from my salvation are the words of my offenses.

Psm 22

06.09 Terce

Pss 79

Verse 19 
Revive us, Lord,
And we will call on Your Name!

Psm 80

Pss 81

Verse 6-7 
Though you be offspring of the Most High,
Like any mortal you shall die!


Psm 82

06.12 Sext

Pss 83

Verse 06 
Blessed is the man whose help is from You,
In his heart he is disposed to ascend.

Psm 84

Pss 86

Verse 07 
All my springs are in you.

Psm 87

06.15 None

Pss 88

Verse 31-34
If his sons forsake my teaching
I will punish their crime with a rod
But I will not betray my bond of faithfulness.

Psm 89

06.18 Vespers

Pss 138

Verse 05 
Behind me and before me you hem me in.

Psm 139

Pss 139

Verse 13
I know the Lord will take up the cause of the needy,
Justice for the poor.

Psm 140

Pss 140

Verse 10 
Cadent in retiaculo eius peccatores:
singulariter sum ego donec transeam.
The sinners will fall into his net.
I am alone, until I pass over.

Psm 141

Pss 141

Verse 08 
The just shall gather around me
When You have been good to me.

Psm 142

06.21 Compline

Pss 76

Verse 5-7
You have kept me from closing my eyes in sleep;

I am troubled and cannot speak.

I consider the days of old; the years long past

I remember.

At night I ponder in my heart;

and as I meditate, my spirit probes:

Verse 11
And I said, Now I have begun
This change is from the hand of the Most High.

Psm 77

Pss 85

Verse 1
Inclina Domine aurem tuam, et exaudi me:
quoniam inops, et pauper sum ego.
Incline your ear, O Lord, and hear me.
For I am needy and poor.

Verse 17

Grant me a proof of your favor, Lord,

That my enemies see to their confusion

That You have helped and comforted me.

Psm 86

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