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As long as the earth lasts....
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
shall not cease.

The Rainbow Covenant 

Wed, February 15, 2017 | link          Comments


Candlemas Day

The year is marked by

two solstices and two equinoxes:

At Winter Solstice,

the days are the shortest of the year.

At Summer Solstice,

the days are the longest of the year. 

At both the Autumn Equinox

and at the Spring Equinox 

The days are

exactly as long as the nights. 


The days that are the halfway mark
between these four celestial events
Are "Cross-Quarter Days";
they are the between the quarter markers.
February 2; May 1; August 1; October 31

Thu, February 2, 2017 | link          Comments

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